Helena Gómez Adorno
Helena Gómez Adorno
Featured Publications
Recent Publications
David Pinto
Document embeddings learned on various types of n-grams for cross-topic authorship attribution
Hierarchical clustering analysis: the best-performing approach at PAN 2017 author clustering task
Application of the distributed document representation in the authorship attribution task for small corpora
Author Clustering using Hierarchical Clustering Analysis.
Discriminating between similar languages using a combination of typed and untyped character n-grams and words
Automatic authorship detection using textual patterns extracted from integrated syntactic graphs
Cicbuapnlp at semeval-2016 task 4-a: Discovering twitter polarity using enhanced embeddings
A graph based authorship identification approach
CICBUAPnlp: graph-based approach for answer selection in community question answering task
Computing text similarity using tree edit distance
A graph-based multi-level linguistic representation for document understanding
Automatic Linguistic Pattern Identification Based on Graph Text Representation
Content and style features for automatic detection of users’ intentions in tweets
Graph Based Approach for the Question Answering Task Based on Entrance Exams.
Soft similarity and soft cosine measure: Similarity of features in vector space model
A question answering system for reading comprehension tests
Buap: N-gram based feature evaluation for the cross-lingual textual entailment task
Lexical-syntactic and graph-based features for authorship verification
Semantic Answer Validation in Question Answering Systems for Reading Comprehension Tests.
Two Approaches for QA4MRE: Information Retrieval and Graph-based Knowledge Representation.
Forecast of air quality based on ozone by decision trees and neural networks
The Soundex phonetic algorithm revisited for SMS text representation